Jan?u?ary 3, 2013 (Santa Cruz, CA) -?Surftech is proud to wel?come Sammy Nigh as the new Direc?tor of North Amer?i?can Sales. Before join?ing Surftech, Nigh pre?vi?ously served as head of sales at Ses?sions Out?er?wear and Fox Sports?wear. Nigh has most recently worked as the Direc?tor of Sales at Truth Soul Armor. With his new role as Surftech?s Direc?tor of Sales, Sammy will be work?ing with his sales team to pro?vide top notch ser?vice and sup?port to Surftech deal?ers while work?ing with Surftech mar?ket?ing on the devel?op?ment of high qual?ity POP and sales pro?grams.??His career at some of the top action sports cloth?ing brands speaks for itself, and his com?bi?na?tion of sales man?age?ment expe?ri?ence, surf indus?try knowl?edge and per?son?al?ity will help us achieve our objec?tive of becom?ing the world?s most com?plete board man?u?fac?turer,??said Surftech CEO Hunt?ley Dor?nan on the hir?ing of?Nigh.
Sammy comes to Surftech with an exten?sive surf?ing back?ground. As a top per?former in the NSSA dur?ing his high school years, Sammy was a mem?ber of the 1990 NSSA National Team along?side many of the biggest names in surf in the last 20 years. Through?out col?lege, Nigh com?peted in the NSSA and the WQS (then known as the Bud Pro Tour) while study?ing Pri?vate and Com?mer?cial Recre?ation at San Jose State University.
?Sammy is a highly respected mem?ber of the surf com?mu?nity,??stated long time friend and for?mer WCT surfer, Adam Replogle.??He?s been in the game for more than two decades and has seen board build?ing go from the small cot?tage indus?try that it was back in the 80?s to the mul?ti?mil?lion dol?lar busi?ness that is is?today.?
?Sammy Nigh has roots so deep in the surf world its incred?i?ble,??said Peter Mel, Mar?ket?ing Direc?tor for Quik?sil?ver Water?man Col?lec?tion.??From surf shop grom and highly com?pet?i?tive surfer, to National Sales man?ager. The path to suc?cess for Sammy was writ?ten years?ago.?

Photo: Steve?Price
?I feel that this is a great time to be return?ing to my surf?ing roots,??explained Nigh.??I am impressed with the sheer breadth of work being under?taken by Surftech and its vision of devel?op?ing the high?est per?for?mance surf and SUP prod?uct in the mar?ket. The com?pany has been doing some truly ground?break?ing work in com?pos?ite board build?ing recently, and I look for?ward to build?ing on that success.?
Source: http://surf.surftech.com/stand-up-paddle/surftech-appoints-sammy-nigh-director-of-national-sales/
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